
Air Quality Monitoring
STEM Curriculum & Activities

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Air Quality Monitoring STEM Curriculum & Activities

Sonoma Technology in Humboldt Classrooms

Thanks to a CARB Grant and our partners at Sonoma Technology, Lisa K. Hoffman from the Tribal Education Agency received training to be shared with schools in Humboldt County. With the Kids Making Sense Air Quality monitors, Lisa trained teachers and visited classrooms to monitor air quality and how it affects our health and the environment. Lisa was asked to do a demonstration at Blue Lake Elementary for their Environmental Fair in April, 2023. If you are interested in learning more, please fill out your contact information below or call (707)668-5101

Air Quality Monitoring Curriculum Training


Air Quality Monitoring Curriculum Training

Image Release

This release form authorizes Blue Lake Rancheria Tribe the use of your name, city, and photo for electronic and print media advertising and promotional material. Any and all other information will be kept confidential. I hereby expressly grant Blue Lake Rancheria and its employees, agents and assignees the right to photograph me and the use of my picture, silhouette and other reproductions of my physical likeness (as the same may appear in any still camera photography, social media, video and/or motion picture film/commercial), in and in connection with the exhibition theatrically, on television, or otherwise, of any motion pictures in which the same may be used or incorporated, and/also in the advertising/publicizing of any such motion picture/product, not limited to television, print reproduction or motion pictures. I further give my consent to said company the right to reproduce in any manner whatsoever any recordings made by said company of my voice and all instrumental, musical or other sound effects produced by me. I enter into this agreement willingly and expect no compensation, either monetary or through gift of physical items and/or services.


Air Quality Monitoring Training Links

Below you will find links to training and resources for the above AQ monitoring program. Items other than the Free Resources are password protected. Please contact our Youth Program's Coordinator for password access.

We strive to support teachers in their efforts to bring this topic to their classrooms. As such, we have developed help articles that can be found in our support center.

Free lessons and other resources can be found in the Free Resources section of the website.

Training Recording
Kids Making Sense - Mapping Website


TEL: 707.668.5101 x.1057
FAX: 707.668.4272

Lisa K. Hoffman
Youth Program's Coordinator

(for U.S. Postal Service):

Blue Lake Rancheria
PO BOX 428
Blue Lake, CA 95525

(for FedEx, UPS):

Blue Lake Rancheria
1 Aiyekwee Loop
Blue Lake, CA 95525